Windsor Framework

(asked on 18th November 2024) - View Source

Question to the Cabinet Office:

To ask His Majesty's Government what main issues emerged from their stakeholder engagement on the implementation of the Windsor Framework.

Answered by
Baroness Twycross Portrait
Baroness Twycross
Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)
This question was answered on 27th November 2024

This Government is committed to the faithful implementation of the Windsor Framework and stakeholder engagement is an important aspect of this. When agreeing the Windsor Framework both the UK and EU made commitments to implement enhanced engagement mechanisms, allowing stakeholders the routes to share their views on the implementation of the Framework.

Since the Political Declaration was published on 27 February 2023 the government has continuously engaged with relevant stakeholders to discuss the Windsor Framework and to ensure businesses are able to realise its benefits. We established the Joint Consultative Working Group (JCWG) sub-groups and the UK-EU joint engagement programme which meet regularly, with the most recent engagements taking place in October. This was referenced in the last UK-EU Joint Statement, following the Specialised Committee on the Implementation of the Windsor Framework on 22 October.

Outside of these joint UK-EU engagements the UK government regularly engages with people and businesses in Northern Ireland. The Minister for the Cabinet Office has met with the First Minister and deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland to discuss the Windsor Framework. He also recently attended a roundtable at Queen’s University Belfast with businesses and civic society representatives to discuss Windsor Framework implementation. Likewise, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland regularly engages with NI stakeholders and hosted a roundtable in Belfast for the Northern Ireland Business Brexit Working Group to discuss the Windsor Framework on October 31.

UK government departments continuously engage with stakeholders to discuss the technical aspects of the Windsor Framework arrangements and this government is committed to continuing this engagement further.

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