Question to the Ministry of Defence:
To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the 'Quarterly service personnel statistics 1 April 2022', when the quarterly figures ceased showing reserve officers and other ranks separately; and why they continue to do so for regulars but not reserves.
The requested breakdowns by strength, intake and outflow are provided in the attached spreadsheets.
The Quarterly Service Personnel Statistics (QSPS) 1 April 2022 contain the breakdown for the Future Reserves 2020 (FR20) in Tables 6a (trained strength) and 6b (untrained strength) by Officers and Other Ranks. Combining the totals and sub-totals of these tables provides the total FR20 strength by service, broken down by Officers and Other Ranks. While the figures for FR20 intake and outflow split by Officers and Other Ranks have not been included in current or previous editions of the QSPS publication, FR20 intake and outflow by service (as a whole) are available in tables 7b and 7c.