Offenders: Employment

(asked on 29th May 2019) - View Source

Question to the Ministry of Justice:

To ask the Secretary of State for Justice, what steps he is taking to increase employment opportunities for prisoners after release.

Answered by
Robert Buckland Portrait
Robert Buckland
This question was answered on 4th June 2019

One year ago, our Education and Employment Strategy set out plans to transform the way prisoners develop the skills they need to secure employment on release.

Since then, we have overhauled the prison education system through implementing new contracts and a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS). These allow governors to commission skills-based training and education that meets the needs of the local labour market.

We have also introduced the New Futures Network (NFN), which brokers partnerships between prisons and employers in England and Wales, and a new ROTL framework to increase the opportunities available for prisoners to gain experience in real workplaces.

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