Hate Crime: Disability

(asked on 11th April 2016) - View Source

Question to the Attorney General:

To ask the Attorney General, what steps the CPS is taking to improve the conviction rate for hate crimes involving disabled people.

Answered by
Robert Buckland Portrait
Robert Buckland
This question was answered on 14th April 2016

The CPS treats all allegations of hate crime, including those involving disabled people, extremely seriously and continues to place priority on this work. Legal guidance on disability hate crime was refreshed in 2015 and a supporting training package was delivered to all CPS lawyers by January 2016. This equips prosecutors with up to date knowledge to inform their decision making and approach to building the strongest cases possible. In addition, a National Scrutiny Panel on disability is assisting with the development of further refinements to policy guidance on crimes against disabled people and the preparation of a joint CPS/Police/HMCTS statement concerning support to disabled victims of crime.

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