Question to the Department for International Development:
To ask the Secretary of State for International Development, what steps he is taking to ensure the Global Fund’s allocation of resources in response to the covid-19 pandemic does not effect resources for (a) HIV, (b) TB and (c) malaria.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has provided up to US $1 billion to help countries fight COVID-19, mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on HIV, TB and malaria programmes, and support and strengthen health systems. This funding comes from savings from the fifth replenishment of the Global Fund (2017-2019). All of the funding from the sixth replenishment (2020-2022) will be used to fund programmes to fight HIV, TB and malaria and support and strengthen health systems.
The UK is proud to be the second biggest donor to the fifth and sixth replenishments of the Global Fund.