Prisoners' Release: Foreign Nationals

(asked on 10th September 2024) - View Source

Question to the Ministry of Justice:

To ask the Secretary of State for Justice, how many of the prisoners released under the early release scheme (a) are foreign nationals and (b) will be deported.

Answered by
Nicholas Dakin Portrait
Nicholas Dakin
Government Whip, Lord Commissioner of HM Treasury
This question was answered on 18th September 2024

We are unable to provide the requested prisoner release figures at this time, as they form a subset of prisoner releases data scheduled for future publication. Numbers of custodial releases for the period covering July 2024 to September 2024 will be published on 30 January 2025, here: Offender management statistics quarterly - GOV.UK (

All foreign national offenders in receipt of custodial sentences are referred to the Home Office to be considered for deportation. The Home Office make all final decisions relating to deportation, taking into account individual circumstances in each case, meaning it is not possible to predict future deportation numbers.

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