Trailers: Safety

(asked on 19th May 2021) - View Source

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what his Department’s policy is on safety inspections of light trailers with regard to the planned cessation of safety checks by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency on light trailers weighing more than 0.75 tonnes and less than 3.5 tonnes in September 2021.

This question was answered on 24th May 2021

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) is not planning the cessation of safety checks on light trailers weighing more than 0.75 tonnes and less than 3.5 tonnes.

The DVSA is actively supporting work to help improve trailer safety. It is running checks throughout the summer to support the ‘Tow Safe for Freddie Campaign’, which has focus on caravans that tend to have greater use in this period. That campaign ends in September 2021, but the DVSA will continue with roadside checks of trailers and its broader educative work.

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