Gender Recognition

(asked on 26th May 2016) - View Source


To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities, whether she has discussed with the Prison Service and probation services the recommendations of the Women and Equalities Committee in its First Report of Session 2015-16, on Transgender Equality, HC390, relating to the criminal justice system and prisons.

Answered by
Caroline Dinenage Portrait
Caroline Dinenage
This question was answered on 7th June 2016

The Government welcomes the report from the Women and Equalities Select Committee into transgender equality.

The report provides a number of recommendations, including ones on hate crime and prison and probation services. Government (including the Ministry of Justice) is carefully considering these recommendations.

In addition, on 8 December 2015 as the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Women, Equalities and Family Justice I announced a review of the care and management of transgender offenders. The review is being coordinated by the Ministry of Justice who are engaging with others to ensure that staff in prisons and probation are provided with the best possible guidance. The National Offender Management Service, the Youth Justice Board, the NHS and the Government Equalities Office are providing professional and operational expertise. The revised guidelines will be published in due course.

Further information on the review can be found here:

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