Question to the Department for Education:
To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what assessment her Department has made of the adequacy of the provision available for young people with SEND who are at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) (a) in Cornwall and (b) nationally; and what steps she is taking to ensure they receive support to enter education, employment, or training.
All education and training providers, as with other related service providers, have a duty to make reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities, so they are not disadvantaged compared to non-disabled students. This includes people with a learning difficulty. This duty is set out under section 20 of the Equality Act 2010, which is available at:
Local authorities are also responsible for commissioning education for young people who have an education, health and care (EHC) plan and have high needs. Cornwall Council’s special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) offer is developed in partnership with parents, carers and stakeholders, which includes the two colleges in Cornwall. The Together for Family’s SEND strategy sets out Cornwall Council’s considerations for post-16 young people. Schools and colleges in Cornwall help young people prepare for adulthood and there are specific programmes of education to support young people in moving on to further education, independent living, training and/or employment.
The council provides further support for young people at risk of becoming not in employment, education or training (NEET) through the Cornwall Opportunities Initiative and the Youth Engagement Project for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, aimed at disadvantaged young people, which has received £2 million from the UK government through the Shared Prosperity Fund. The latter programme works with young people aged 16 to 24, with a specific focus on 16 to 18 year-olds who are NEET or are at risk of NEET, have special educational needs, or are in other vulnerable groupings.