Aiding and Abetting: Prison Sentences

(asked on 25th February 2025) - View Source

Question to the Ministry of Justice:

To ask the Secretary of State for Justice, what the average sentencing is for people convicted of joint enterprise.

Answered by
Sarah Sackman Portrait
Sarah Sackman
Minister of State (Ministry of Justice)
This question was answered on 3rd March 2025

Joint enterprise is not a specific criminal offence. It is a common law doctrine which can apply in situations where two or more individuals have a common purpose to commit a criminal offence. No data is therefore available on either the average sentence or the number of individuals convicted of a criminal offence which may have been prosecuted, and resulted in a conviction, as part of a joint enterprise.

The Ministry of Justice only collects information on how many defendants are prosecuted and convicted for specific criminal offences, and the data on the average sentence for those offences, in any given year.

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