State Retirement Pensions

(asked on 24th February 2025) - View Source

Question to the Department for Work and Pensions:

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, what proportion of eligible pensioners will be entitled to the new state pension; and what proportion of eligible pensioners will get the basic state pension (a) nationally and (b) in Bromsgrove constituency.

Answered by
Torsten Bell Portrait
Torsten Bell
Parliamentary Secretary (HM Treasury)
This question was answered on 27th February 2025

There are two contributory State Pension systems currently operating which depend on when the individual reaches their State Pension age. The pre-April 2016 system comprised: a basic State Pension and an additional earnings-related State Pension. The new State Pension was introduced in April 2016. The amount people receive under both systems will depend on their National Insurance record.

(a) At the quarter ending August 2024 in Great Britain, 34% of State Pension recipients received the new State Pension and 66% received the pre-2016 system.

(b) At the quarter ending August 2024 in Bromsgrove constituency, 32% of State Pension recipients received the new State Pension and 68% received the pre-2016 system.

Source: DWP Stat-Xplore.

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