Question to the Department for Work and Pensions:
To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, what steps her Department is taking to support pensioners who are unable to complete pension credit applications (a) online and (b) by phone.
The Government wants those eligible for Pension Credit but not currently claiming it to receive the benefits they are entitled to. We know there are low-income pensioners who are not claiming Pension Credit, and we urge those people to apply. We encourage all pensioners who may be eligible for Pension Credit to use the Pension Credit calculator - GOV.UK(opens in a new tab) to check eligibility and to use our online Pension Credit claims process.
Claims for Pension Credit can be made online at: in a new tab) The service is available to use 24/7, and provides those who may struggle to make their claim alone the flexibility to have a friend or family member to support them when making their claim at a time that is most convenient to them. Pension Credit claims can also be made through the Freephone telephone number 0800 99 1234, and there is an option to complete a paper application form.
DWP Agents and third-party organisations are available to support customers with the application process.
For customers who are unable to complete forms themselves a home visit from a visiting officer can be arranged. For customers who are deaf and use British Sign Language a Video Relay Service (known as VRS) is available and for customers who cannot hear or speak on the phone, can use Relay UK service. Further information can be found on Easy read: Pension Credit - GOV.UK.
On average, since the start of 2025, 90% of claims have been made online or via the telephone. The average online application currently takes 16 minutes to complete.