Shipping: Conditions of Employment

(asked on 6th July 2022) - View Source

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, with reference to the dismissal of workers by P&O on 17 March 2022, whether he has taken steps to strengthen the employment rights of UK seafarers.

Answered by
Robert Courts Portrait
Robert Courts
This question was answered on 13th July 2022

The government continues to promote and deliver its seafarer protections nine-point plan, and the wider objectives of Maritime 2050.

On 6 July, the government introduced the Seafarers’ Wages Bill to the House of Lords and published the Government’s Response to the Consultation on Seafarers’ Remuneration. The Bill seeks to ensure that seafarers working on vessels that regularly use UK ports are paid at least an equivalent rate to the UK National Minimum Wage, irrespective of flag or nationality.

This is in addition to other commitments in the nine-point plan, including BEIS’ forthcoming consultation on a “fire and rehire” statutory code, reform to longer-term working conditions for seafarers, and working with international partners to collaborate on seafarer protections and welfare.

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