Question to the Ministry of Justice:
To ask the Secretary of State for Justice, what steps she is taking to support those accused of serious offences and unable to afford private representation.
Criminal legal aid, where needed, is essential for those accused of a crime to defend themselves and to uphold their right to a fair trial.
The scope of legal aid is set out under the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO). For criminal proceedings at the magistrates’ court, legal aid is available, subject to the 'interests of justice' test and the financial eligibility means test. Nearly all defendants appearing before the Crown Court are eligible for legal aid, although some may be required to pay an income contribution towards their legal aid costs. If convicted, a defendant may be liable to pay any outstanding legal aid costs through capital contributions.
In December 2024, this Government announced that criminal legal aid solicitors will receive up to £92 million more a year to help address the ongoing challenges in the criminal justice system. This is in addition to the £24 million increase we announced in November 2024 for criminal solicitors, in response to the Crime Lower consultation.
This is a significant investment to reflect the valuable and tough work that is undertaken by those who work in the criminal justice system, helping them to make sure justice is served.