Work Capability Assessment

(asked on 13th February 2025) - View Source

Question to the Department for Work and Pensions:

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, pursuant to the Answer of 6 January to Question 27607 on Work Capability Assessment, how many and what proportion of decisions for each assessment interview type were classified as (a) fit for work, (b) need to prepare to work in the future, but have limited capability for work and (c) have limited capability for work and work related activity between January 2019 and December 2024.

Answered by
Stephen Timms Portrait
Stephen Timms
Minister of State (Department for Work and Pensions)
This question was answered on 28th February 2025

The information requested on decisions is not collated centrally and could only be provided at disproportionate cost.

However, we have provided the monthly figures on health professional (HP) recommendations, Fit for Work, Limited Capability for Work (LCW) and Limited Capability for Work Related Activity (LCWRA), following a Work Capability Assessment (WCA) separated by assessment type, since January 2021, in the attachment.

Please Note

  • The information in the attachment shows recommendations made by assessment suppliers for claimants undergoing Employment Support Allowance or Universal Credit WCAs. These are not decisions. Recommendations made by a health professional are considered, along with other evidence, by DWP decision makers who will make a final decision on benefit entitlement.
  • All of the above data is derived from contractual management information produced by the assessment suppliers.
  • The above data is derived from unpublished management information which is collected for internal departmental use only and has not been quality assured to Official Statistics Publication standards.
  • We have not provided HP recommendations management information for periods prior to January 2021 because the information for this period is not robust enough for publication.
  • Volumes have been rounded to the nearest 100 and therefore the totals may not add up.
  • The percentages are based on the actual amounts and not the rounded figures.
  • The Other columns include other outcomes recorded as 'not terminally ill', 'other' and 'home visits' where recommendations are not available.
  • All data is showing recommendations made by assessment suppliers and therefore is not the finalised customer outcome (cannot be classed as the decision).
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