(asked on 6th February 2025) - View Source

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, how many and what proportion of key stage four students who completed their GCSEs went on to each destination in (a) Bolsover, (b) Derbyshire and (c) England in each of the last five academic years for which data is available.

Answered by
Catherine McKinnell Portrait
Catherine McKinnell
Minister of State (Education)
This question was answered on 13th February 2025

The department publishes information on the percentage of pupils continuing to a sustained education, apprenticeship or employment destination in England in the year after completing key stage 4 study (after year 11) from state-funded mainstream schools.

The data in the links below contain the data requested.

Bolsover: https://explore-education-statistics.service.gov.uk/data-tables/permalink/4125b56e-229e-4fa5-800f-08dd45163c72.

Derbyshire: https://explore-education-statistics.service.gov.uk/data-tables/permalink/d0be6793-1dd3-41a7-800e-08dd45163c72.

England: https://explore-education-statistics.service.gov.uk/data-tables/permalink/3b73cf3a-e357-4b8a-800d-08dd45163c72.

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