Horizon IT System: Compensation

(asked on 4th February 2025) - View Source

Question to the Department for Business and Trade:

To ask the Secretary of State for Business and Trade, how many sub-postmasters in the Group Litigation Order Compensation Scheme have (a) not received any compensation payments and (b) have received above the minimum payment of £75,000.

Answered by
Gareth Thomas Portrait
Gareth Thomas
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Business and Trade)
This question was answered on 12th February 2025

As of 31 January, the Department had received 408 completed claims from eligible GLO postmasters. 257 claimants have agreed full and final redress, of whom 153 accepted the £75,000 fixed offer. A further 229 individuals have received partial or interim redress payments, including people who have not yet submitted full claims.

The government remains committed to issuing first offers in 90% of cases within 40 working days of receiving complete claims. The same target applies to offers which are challenged after 1 December 2024.

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