Question to the Department for Work and Pensions:
To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, if she will make an assessment of the potential merits of increasing the number of qualifying benefits for the Winter Fuel Payment.
The Government has had to make hard choices to bring the public finances back under control. Linking Winter Fuel eligibility to Pension Credit and other means tested benefits for pensioners ensures the least well-off pensioners still receive the help they need. There are no plans to change the eligibility criteria.
Winter Fuel Payments will continue to be paid to pensioner households with someone receiving Pension Credit or certain other income-related benefits. They will continue to be worth £200 for eligible households, or £300 for eligible households with someone aged over 80.
We know there are low-income pensioners who aren’t claiming Pension Credit. We want to ensure as many people as possible have access to this support and urge pensioners to check their eligibility. Pension Credit will passport them to receive Winter Fuel Payments in future, alongside other benefits – including help with rent, council tax, fuel bills and a free TV licence for those over 75. That’s why Government is taking significant steps to raise awareness and maximise take-up.
The Government also offers direct financial help to low-income pensioners through Cold Weather Payments (in England & Wales) – and the Warm Home Discount scheme which provides eligible low-income households across Great Britain with a £150 rebate on their winter energy bill. We expect over three million households, including over one million pensioners, to benefit under the scheme this winter.
Low-income pensioners and others struggling with the cost of living should contact their local council to see what further support may be available to them, whether through energy support programmes or through the Household Support Fund (in England).