Legal Aid Scheme: Homelessness

(asked on 14th June 2019) - View Source

Question to the Ministry of Justice:

To ask the Secretary of State for Justice, whether cases involving the risk of homelessness fall under the scope of legal aid.

Answered by
Paul Maynard Portrait
Paul Maynard
This question was answered on 19th June 2019

Legal aid funding continues to be available for cases where an individual is at immediate risk of homelessness, or where there are disrepairs which seriously threaten the life or health of the individual or their family.

Legal aid also remains available for housing possession cases, including the Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme.

Legal aid may be sought via the Exceptional Case Funding scheme (ECF) in any matter where failure to provide it would breach, or risk breaching, the European Convention on Human Rights or enforceable EU law, subject to the statutory means and merits tests.

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