High Rise Flats: Tower Hamlets

(asked on 14th May 2024) - View Source

Question to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities:

To ask the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, pursuant to the Answer of 2 April 2024 to Question 21335 on Flats: Fire Prevention, whether Jetty Court in Tower Hamlets is a relevant building under the developer remediation contract.

Answered by
Lee Rowley Portrait
Lee Rowley
This question was answered on 22nd May 2024

To date, no developer has accepted responsibility for remediating Jetty House. The building is being remediated through the Building Safety Fund. If the department concludes that the building is covered by the developer remediation contract, the developer responsible will be required to reimburse the cost of works, in line with the terms of the contract.

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