Personal Independence Payment

(asked on 9th May 2019) - View Source

Question to the Department for Work and Pensions:

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, what progress he has made on the review into 1.6 million personal independent payment claims.

Answered by
Justin Tomlinson Portrait
Justin Tomlinson
This question was answered on 17th May 2019

The administrative exercise to check whether claimants are eligible for more support under Personal Independence Payments, following the MH and RJ legal judgments, started in June 2018. DWP published management information on progress on checking potentially affected cases in December 2018. These figures showed that around 140,000 cases had been reviewed and cleared (as at 23rd November 2018). Figures are changing rapidly as we continue to check cases and progress is in line with our expectations. As part of December’s release, we committed to providing further updates at 6 monthly intervals.

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