White Fish: Fishing Catches

(asked on 16th April 2024) - View Source

Question to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, how many vessels between 10 and 15 metres in length are eligible for the pollack compensation scheme.

Answered by
Mark Spencer Portrait
Mark Spencer
This question was answered on 23rd April 2024

According to the most up to date Marine Management Organisation (MMO) landings data for 2023, there are three vessels between 10 and 15 metres in length eligible for the compensation scheme. As there is finite funding available, the pollack compensation scheme is focused on providing funding to vessel owners whose income is mainly derived from pollack and who made at least 30% of their reported landings income in 2023 from pollack. The MMO are currently verifying data and will reach out to eligible vessel owners in the coming days. Fishers who believe they meet the requirements of this scheme but have not heard from MMO by Monday 29th April 2024 should contact MMO by sending an email to UKFisheriesSupport@marinemanagement.org.uk.

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