Roads: Litter

(asked on 25th March 2024) - View Source

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps he can take if National Highways fail to clear litter from (a) roads and (b) verges; and what discussions he has had with that agency on such clearance.

Answered by
Guy Opperman Portrait
Guy Opperman
This question was answered on 15th April 2024

The Department for Transport regularly engages with National Highways on the issue of litter clearance, and its performance is monitored against a litter performance indicator which helps to ensure National Highways are carrying out its legislative duty. National Highways strategy is to simultaneously reduce the need for litter picking and collection by encouraging behavioural change whilst also providing an effective litter clearing service. In 2023-24, National Highways collected over 50,000 bags of litter from roads under its supervision.

The Office for Road and Rail, as Highways Monitor, also plays an important role in monitoring National Highways’ litter clearance on behalf of the Secretary of State and holding National Highways to account for its licence commitments. The ORR report annually to Parliament and the public on National Highways performance, including litter. If the Office for Road and Rail deem that National Highways is not complying with its statutory directions or complying with the requirements of the Road Investment Strategy, they may determine enforcement action to be appropriate.

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