Contraceptives: General Practitioners

(asked on 17th July 2023) - View Source

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, if he will take steps to review the (a) effectiveness and (b) timeliness of the funding system accessed by GPs for fitting intrauterine systems; and if he will make a statement.

Answered by
Maria Caulfield Portrait
Maria Caulfield
This question was answered on 24th July 2023

There are no plans to review the effectiveness and timeliness of the funding system accessed by general practices (GPs) for fitting intrauterine systems.

Integrated care boards may commission GPs to offer long-acting reversible contraception as an enhanced service to their local population, in addition to the contraception service provided through the GP contract.

It is for integrated care boards to decide on commissioning arrangements for their area based on an assessment of local need.

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