
(asked on 13th March 2024) - View Source

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, which airlines are banned from entering United Kingdom airspace.

Answered by
Anthony Browne Portrait
Anthony Browne
This question was answered on 20th March 2024

The safety of aviation and the travelling public is a priority for the UK government.

The UK Air Safety List, which came into force in January 2021, comprises of known states and air carriers that have failed to demonstrate that they meet relevant, internationally agreed safety standards. They are therefore banned from operating into, out of or within the UK.

The Air Safety List is published online on a website and is available for the public to view. It ensures that UK citizens continue to be protected and informed wherever they are in the world, as well as acts as a deterrent to poor safety performance of air carriers and States.

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