Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what steps his Department plans to take to reduce the geographical variation in access to high quality bacterial and viral diagnostic technology.
Public Health England (PHE) operates a number of microbiology laboratories across England which provides national coverage, regardless of geographic location, and works closely with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland’s devolved administrations. These laboratories complement and expand on the testing that is undertaken in a larger laboratory network operating throughout the National Health Service to provide frontline diagnostics.
PHE’s laboratories use many different diagnostic technologies, including traditional and molecular microbiological, serological and innovative genomic approaches to recognise pathogens and diagnose infections promptly. These cover infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoal parasites. The results of PHE laboratory testing are provided directly to the NHS to support patient management, to reduce risks of onwards transmission and to minimise threats to public health throughout England.