Animal Experiments

(asked on 20th April 2023) - View Source

Question to the Home Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, with reference to the national statistics entitled Statistics of scientific procedures on living animals, Great Britain: 2021, published by her Department on 30 June 2022, under which regulations the 11,163 lethal dose procedures on mice were carried out as set out in the column entitled Regulatory Use: toxicity and other safety testing including pharmacology acute and sub-toxicity testing methods: LD50 and LC50 purposes.

Answered by
Tom Tugendhat Portrait
Tom Tugendhat
This question was answered on 26th April 2023

The Home Office licences programmes of work using animals in science, including testing to satisfy regulatory requirements set out in legislation.

Establishments must only conduct work for limited permissible purposes, according to the terms of their licences, which the Home Office assures through audit and inspection processes.

The Home Office publishes extensive data on the use of animals in science in the annual national statistics. The statistics do not include data broken down by the specific tests requested.

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