Furs: Imports

(asked on 17th April 2023) - View Source

Question to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, further to the Government’s response to e-petition 630751 entitled Retain bans on cat, dog, seal fur imports, and extend to ban all fur imports, in which it says it has no plans currently to make further changes in this area, whether her Department is still considering responses received to the 2021 call for evidence on The Fur Market in Great Britain.

Answered by
Mark Spencer Portrait
Mark Spencer
This question was answered on 20th April 2023

We are carefully reviewing the evidence gathered both from our Call for Evidence and from wider engagement with the fur trade and stakeholders.

We will use the evidence gathered to inform any future action on the fur trade, in line with the Government’s commitment to improving animal welfare standards.

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