A158 and A55: Cameras

(asked on 12th March 2021) - View Source

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, for what reason a new design of surveillance camera has been installed at the (a) A55 near Chester and (b) A158 at Wragby; and which agencies access the data obtained by those cameras and for what purposes.

This question was answered on 17th March 2021

Highways England is not aware of any new cameras being installed on any section of the A55 near Chester that forms part of the Strategic Road Network (SRN), for which it is responsible. The A158 is operated and maintained by Lincolnshire County Council, and it would be for the Council to comment on any new cameras implemented on it.

Local authorities are free to make their own decisions about the roads under their care, provided they take account of the relevant legislation. They are responsible for ensuring that their actions are within the law and are accountable to local people for their decisions and their performance. Local councillors are responsible for ensuring that local decisions about street infrastructure take account of the needs and opinions of local people.

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