Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, how many staff at which grades his Department requires to undertake work on leaving the EU without an agreement in the Departmental Operations Centre during standard daytime working hours.
A dedicated Departmental Operations Centre (DOC) will manage and lead preparations in the event of a no-deal Brexit. Staff working in the DOC will also manage work associated with the UK's exit from the EU in any other scenario. We do not routinely separately record no-deal work from other Brexit work. MHCLG’s normal operations include some out of hours working alongside standard daytime working hours.
To support this pattern, we currently estimate the Department will require approximately 200 FTE, using a mix of grades but coming mainly from HEO and Grade 7 staff. This estimate will be subject to on-going review to ensure it reflects any change in circumstances or requirements