Police: Pensions

(asked on 28th February 2024) - View Source

Question to the Home Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, if he will make (a) a comparative estimate of what the average projected pension of a police officer who retired in each year from 2015 to 2023 would have been before the introduction of the McCloud remedy and associated public service pension changes and (b) an estimate of the average discrepancy between (i) the pension being received by police officers as of 28 February 2024 and (ii) the pension police officers will be entitled to once the McCloud remedy and associated public service pension changes are fully implemented.

Answered by
Chris Philp Portrait
Chris Philp
Shadow Leader of the House of Commons
This question was answered on 4th March 2024

The information requested is not held centrally. The police pension schemes are locally administered by each police force, and the Home Office does not hold record level information.

Through the McCloud remedy, each eligible pension scheme member will make a personal choice, taking into account their own circumstances. Given this individual choice and associated complexities, it is not possible to assess the average impact for a member.

The 2015 police pension scheme is one of the most valuable available in the UK: backed by the taxpayer; index-linked; and offering guaranteed benefits on retirement, comparing very favourably to the typical private sector scheme.

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