Bus Services: Franchises

(asked on 31st March 2022) - View Source

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps the Government is taking to simplify and streamline the process for bus franchising.

Answered by
Trudy Harrison Portrait
Trudy Harrison
This question was answered on 19th April 2022

The Transport Act 2000 (as amended by the Bus Services Act 2017) provides access to franchising powers to all Mayoral Combined Authorities in England. These powers enable them to implement franchised bus services in their areas, following the completion of a franchising assessment and consultation process.

The Department is currently revising the existing guidance – “The Bus Services Act 2017 Franchising Scheme Guidance”, published in November 2017, to provide updated detailed advice on the franchising process. The revised version will be published as soon as possible.

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