Government Departments: Buildings

(asked on 1st June 2018) - View Source

Question to the Cabinet Office:

To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office, whether all government property has a record on e-PIMS; and if he will make a statement.

Answered by
Oliver Dowden Portrait
Oliver Dowden
This question was answered on 11th June 2018

e-PIMS is a comprehensive electronic register of all central government property holdings, including information about requirements for new accommodation, and vacant and surplus properties. Bodies are responsible for entering complete and accurate information about all the properties they use and control on e-PIMS, and complete an annual verification process to confirm they have done this. Regular data quality assurance and sample checks are also carried out by the Office of Government Property.

Providing property information is mandatory for all:

- government departments

- non-ministerial departments and their executive agencies

- arms length bodies

- non-departmental public bodies

- special health authorities

Mandatory recording of information on e-PIMS does not apply to local authorities, the NHS (except for Special Health Authorities), public corporations, privatised railway undertakings, the Crown Estate; the Overseas estate or the Defence Estate (subject to some exceptions).

There are some other exclusions from e-PIMS, such as information about certain highly specialist properties (e.g. flood defences, pipelines, wayleaves and easements).

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