Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government: Procurement

(asked on 22nd May 2018) - View Source

Question to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities:

To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, how many contractors his Department employs who have worked for his Department for (a) up to one year, (b) over one and up to five years, (c) over five years and up to ten years and (d) over 10 years.

Answered by
Jake Berry Portrait
Jake Berry
This question was answered on 1st June 2018

As of 26 May 2018 , the Department employed 34 contractors as follows:

Time in Department


(a) up to one year


(b) over one and up to five years


(c) over five years and up to ten years


(d) over ten years


Grand Total


Note: Table based on off-payroll contractors (contingent labour only.) Figures do not include fixed-term appointees with a direct contract of employment with the Department

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