Ban wind farm onshore asset development on green belt land

We want the Government to ban wind farm onshore asset development on green belt land. We don't think local authorities are enforcing the National Planning Policy Framework to protect the greenbelt from inappropriate development when brown belt land is available and offers regeneration opportunities.

5,032 Signatures

Thursday 12th December 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Thursday 12th June 2025
Estimated Final Signatures: 5,144

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1. Ban wind farms on protected peat land in England - 6,841 signatures

We are concerned that in locations such as the Fylde, building windfarm onshore assets could hamper tourism, destroy quality farmland, close businesses, and ruin habitats for protected species.

We believe that methods used in the construction of windfarm onshore assets could increase flooding and substations built close to homes could be audible 24/7. Rural land might be industrialised when there are alternative quicker, cheaper and more suitable routes, which could have less impact.

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