Ban all Fox and Stag Hunting with Dogs - including Trail Hunting

The Government said they'd ban hunting, we think now is the time to stand by this promise & ban all forms of hunting with dogs. We think allowing trail hunting hasn’t worked to prevent live animals being harmed and killed by hunts.

384 Signatures

Thursday 12th December 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Thursday 12th June 2025
Estimated Final Signatures: 1,566

Reticulating Splines

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1. Ban all forms of hunting and introduce harsher penalties - 2,843 signatures
2. Ban animal testing for human products and medicines - 8,494 signatures
3. Give State Pension to all at 60 and increase it to equal 48hrs at Living Wage - 8,635 signatures

We don't believe hunts will ever switch to trail hunting. There are concerns that current hunts are attended by terrier men, badger setts are blocked and hounds aren't kept under control. There are reports of agricultural quad bikes being used illegally on public roads and hunt monitors assaulted. We believe these anti-social behaviours occur regularly, often with impunity.

We think hunting with dogs needs to be banned with no loopholes.

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Reticulating Splines