Abolish the basic State Pension, increase the new State Pension and pay to all.

We think the government should abolish the 'basic State Pension', put all our elderly onto the new State Pension, and increase the new State Pension to a good percentage of average earnings.

4,187 Signatures

Monday 25th November 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Sunday 25th May 2025
Estimated Final Signatures: 5,882

Reticulating Splines

You may be interested in these active petitions

1. Stop Means Testing Pensioners and increase the State Pension - 12,427 signatures
2. Give State Pension to all at 60 and increase it to equal 48hrs at Living Wage - 20,325 signatures
3. Hold a Public Inquiry into the state pension age change for 1950s women - 6,380 signatures
4. Create a new body to regulate landlord and freeholder service charges - 3,440 signatures
5. Raise the standard tax-free Personal Allowance to £45,000 - 37,031 signatures

We believe those on the basic Pension should be paid the difference accrued between the basic and new State Pension since the new State Pension's introduction.
Britain's basic State Pension is currently £169.50 per week.
Britain's New State Pension is currently £221.20 a week.
Britain's average weekly earnings (AWE) were estimated at £693 in August 2024.

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