Launch a railcard for those over the age of 30 covering all of the UK.

The Government should create a railcard for those over the age of 30. It seems unfair and unjust that people aged 16-30 may get a railcard, but after this cut-off it is not possible to get a railcard unless you are 'senior', travelling with another person, or part of another group, such as veterans.

739 Signatures

Friday 1st November 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Thursday 1st May 2025
Estimated Final Signatures: 910

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This disadvantages working-age adults, many of whom often travel alone and are seemingly penalised for not being in a relationship. Furthermore, the most accessible option to single travellers 30+, the Network Railcard, limits travel to the south east of England – this does not benefit those living outside that area. A railcard for those 30+ should be available and should cover the whole of Great Britain

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Reticulating Splines