Make breaking a manifesto against the law and trigger a General Election

We think the people of Britain should have the chance to re-elect when parties break their manifesto promises.

45,035 Signatures

Thursday 7th November 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Wednesday 7th May 2025
Estimated Final Signatures: 48,272

Reticulating Splines

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We feel that political parties can make whatever promises they want to get into power and are not held accountable. We think the people of Britain deserve to vote on genuine manifestos.

Petition Signatures over time

Government Response

Friday 6th December 2024

The Government has a mandate to deliver its manifesto commitments. Our full focus is on fixing the foundations, rebuilding Britain, and restoring public confidence in government.

As the Prime Minister has made clear, public service is a privilege and this Government is committed to showing how politics can be a force for good.

The Government is committed to restoring public confidence in government and ensuring that all of those in public service are held to the highest standards.

The Prime Minister can call a general election at a time of their choosing by requesting a dissolution of Parliament from the Sovereign within the five year life of a Parliament.

This Government was elected to fix the foundations and deliver change with investment and reform to deliver growth, with more jobs, more money in people’s pockets, rebuild Britain and get the NHS back on its feet. This will be built on the strong foundations of a stable economy, national security and secure borders as we put politics back in the service of working people.

The Government has not broken the manifesto commitments made in the General Election. Its full focus is on fixing the foundations, rebuilding Britain, and restoring public confidence in government.

On entering office, a £22 billion black hole was identified in the nation’s finances. We inherited unprecedented challenges, with crumbling public services and crippled public finances, but will deliver a decade of national renewal through our five missions: economic growth, fixing the NHS, safer streets, making Britain a clean energy super-power and opportunity for all.

The Government’s first Budget freed up tens of billions of pounds to invest in Britain’s future while locking in stability, preventing devastating austerity in our public services and protecting working people’s payslips.

Mission-led government rejects the sticking-plaster solutions of the past and unites public and private sectors, national, devolved and local government, business and unions, and the whole of civil society in a shared purpose.

The Government will continue to deliver the manifesto that it was elected on.

Cabinet Office

Constituency Data

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