Reform maternity and paternity pay to extend and increase support

We want the Government to reform maternity and paternity pay by extending and increasing support. This could include reforming SMP and SPP payments, reducing the qualifying period for SMP and increasing paternity leave, especially in situations of traumatic births.

This petition closed on 30 May 2024 with 2,550 signatures

Reticulating Splines

We want SMP and SPP to be paid at at least minimum wage, with SMP payments paid at full wage for at least 12 weeks and then at the new SMP rate thereafter. We would also like the qualifying period for SMP to be paid to be reduced. This would benefit more mums.

We also want Paternity leave to be extended, especially in the cases of traumatic births, with a right to 3 weeks at full pay with the option to take an additional 5 weeks at SPP.

Petition Signatures over time

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Reticulating Splines