Create right of appeal against jury verdict if trial uses only certain evidence

Evidence used in a trial can include non-corroborated evidence, hearsay evidence and bad character evidence. Using such evidence may be of benefit, however we believe it may also mean that innocent people are convicted of crimes.

234 Signatures

Thursday 2nd May 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Saturday 2nd November 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 894

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To counter the risk of innocent people being convicted of crimes based on non- corroborated, hearsay and bad character evidence, we think that where a person is convicted of any crime and the trial has only used non-corroborated evidence and/or hearsay evidence and/or bad character evidence, there should be a legal right of appeal against the jury verdict, where the appeal court can consider whether the jury’s decision was perverse, and the verdict of the jury can be overruled. We believe the Government should legislate for this legal right.

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