Ban organisations from asking for a title (e.g. Miss, Mrs, Ms, Master and Mr)

Ban asking for a title (Miss, Mrs, Ms, Master and Mr) when asking for a person's details. We think that disclosing a title is intrusive, unnecessary, out-of-date and sexist. We think that titles should be removed and we should adopt a gender-free, equal stance.

This petition closed on 30 May 2024 with 23 signatures

Reticulating Splines

We think that terms used for describing a woman are used in everyday situations that have nothing to do with ones marital status. We think that Mr, originally an abbreviated term for Master, is out-dated and sexist. Unless in a medical situation, we think one's sex is irrelevant. We do not think that knowledge of a person's marital status is required either. If someone needs to know the sex of a person, it could be a simple, M or F, but only if absolutely required.

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Reticulating Splines