Offer low- or no-interest Government loans to all UK taxpayers

Create a Government loan scheme which offers all taxpayers access to low-interest or interest-free loans, repaid through a higher payment of tax over a period of so many months until the loan is repaid.

This petition closed on 30 May 2024 with 20 signatures

Reticulating Splines

Allow taxpayers to have access to Government loans, regardless of credit history. All taxpayers should be entitled. People who pay tax are the ones that keep this country running. I personally think that during the cost of living crisis the Government have been quick to allocate funds to issues and agendas that the general public have no interest in and do not benefit from. We ask the Government in this time of need to allow all who pay tax access to low- or no-interest loans, deductible through income tax.

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Reticulating Splines