Extend the Financial Services Compensation Scheme to all UK pension schemes

We would like the UK Government to extend the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) to cover all UK-based pension schemes

54 Signatures

Monday 26th February 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Monday 26th August 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 112

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1. Provide all pensioners born before April 1951 with the new State Pension - 13,210 signatures
2. Offer the State Pension to all at 60, increase to equal 48hrs at the Living Wage - 57,789 signatures
3. Seek to agree a Touring Music Visa Scheme with the EU - 2,912 signatures
4. Allow people to stay in the UK if their employer’s sponsor license is withdrawn - 16,712 signatures
5. Launch an urgent judge-led public inquiry into the 'XL Bully' ban - 2,227 signatures

We would like this to happen because the effects of losing a pension, and the mental and emotional impact this may have, can be unmeasurable.

Petition Signatures over time

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