Change the design of traffic lights to reflect shapes of road traffic signs

Change the design of traffic lights to reflect the shape of road traffic signs. We believe the current system does not match the meaning of the lights. We ask that future lights and replacements are implemented under a new system which reflect the shape of Order, Warning and Information signs.

This petition closed on 30 May 2024 with 22 signatures

Reticulating Splines

We believe the current traffic light system does not clearly communicate the message the lights are delivering. We think a While Circle (Order) is correct for Red lights, a Triangle (Warning) for Amber, and Rectangle (Information) for Green is far more in keeping with traffic signage.

This could also help comprehension by colour blind drivers and those who are neurodiverse, helping to improve road safety and engagement.

Petition Signatures over time

Constituency Data

Reticulating Splines