Allow people receiving Carer's Allowance to work up to 16 hours a week

Many part time jobs require a minimum number of hours, so people in receipt of Carer's Allowance would have a better chance of getting a job without the worry of losing Carer's Allowance if claimants were able to work up 16 hours a week, with no limit on earnings.

This petition closed on 3 May 2024 with 257 signatures

Reticulating Splines

Currently it can be difficult for people receiving Carer's Allowance to find part-time work that doesn't lead to them losing their entitlement to Carer's Allowance, because of the £139 a week earnings limit.

Allowing people to work up to 16 hours a week would still leave them time to spend at least 35 hours a week providing care.

Petition Signatures over time

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Reticulating Splines