Continue ILR clock when switching between qualifying visas

Switching from one visa that leads to Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), like a dependent visa, to another qualifying visa, like a Skilled Worker visa, resets the time needed for ILR. We want this to be changed so the clock for entitlement to ILR is not reset when switching between visas.

This petition closed on 9 Feb 2024 with 522 signatures

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Current rules can substantially delay when people become eligible for ILR. This can have substantial impacts on families, including eligibility of children to ILR.

Resetting accrued ILR can also discourage partners on dependent visas who want to be less reliant on the main visa holder's job or eligibility to stay in the UK.

A requirement of 5 years to achieve settlement is understandable. However, the current system means that a person switching visas can already have established ties and ongoing commitments to the UK, but must wait for longer for ILR because of the clock being reset.

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