Reform Universal Credit rules for people claiming Carer's Allowance.

We want the Government to: Stop taking Carer's Allowance pound for pound off people's Universal Credit claims and take 55p for every pound instead.

This petition closed on 29 Dec 2023 with 55 signatures

Reticulating Splines

Pay the same rate of Universal Credit to people aged 18 to 24 claiming Carer's Allowance, as paid to those 25 and over.

We want the Government to better recognise people who provide unpaid care. Our job is hard enough providing care. This isn't a nine to five job it's round the clock and current rules for Universal Credit - deducting Carer's Allowance in full from entitlements, and paying a reduced rate to claimants aged under 25 - can make it hard for people on Carer's Allowance to afford to survive.

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Reticulating Splines