Devolve powers for Wales to make St David's Day a bank holiday

Devolve bank holiday powers to Wales, so the Welsh Government can make St David's Day a bank holiday. There is majority support in Wales for a St David's Day bank holiday, and support from every party in the Senedd. Scotland and Northern Ireland already have patron saint bank holidays.

This petition closed on 24 Aug 2023 with 134 signatures

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St Andrew's Day is a bank holiday in Scotland and St Patrick's Day is a bank holiday in Northern Ireland. The UK Government has also given bank holidays for a jubilee and a coronation.

There is majority support among the Welsh people and there is support from every party in the Senedd.

A St David's Day bank holiday could also boost tourism to Wales year-round and promote Wales on the world stage.

The UK Government must respect the wishes of the people of Wales and must respect Welsh democracy.

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