Remove the cap on tax-free childcare so it meets more families’ needs

Remove the cap on tax-free childcare to allow parents, particularly mums, to return to work without a large financial burden. Too many women who want to return to work are either unable to do so due to childcare costs, or return at a cost to themselves in order to progress their careers.

This petition closed on 13 Jun 2022 with 107 signatures

Reticulating Splines

Tax-free childcare, though appreciated, is capped far too low for working families. In Surrey for example our nursery costs £12,650 per annum for 3 days meaning we use up our allowance before the year is up. Fortunately we have family that help with childcare for 2 days, if not our annual childcare bill for one child would be £21,000 average for the area. 20% tax free allowance would need to be £4,200 but it is currently capped at £2,000. In order to support women attain equal pay and progression at work there must be NO cap.

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Reticulating Splines